SME Tucson Section

(520) 314-5066

P.O. Box  65931

Tucson, AZ, 85728

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Section News

June 12, 2024 - In-Person Dinner Meetings Only

Please note that starting with our June meeting, our meetings will be in-person only. Our Teams meetings were born out of necessity during the COVID pandemic and then transitioned to hybrid meetings as our memberships adjusted to having in-person meetings again. While we understand that many still enjoy our virtual option, this option provides more work for our gracious host, us, and can sometimes lead to coordination issues as we try and force the posted Teams schedule onto the dynamic nature of our meetings. Thank you for your understanding and we hope to see you in-person at our events.

August 24, 2023 - Scholarship Application Now Open!

The Fall 2023 Scholarship application period is now open! Submit your applications before noon on Monday, September 11, 2023. For more information go to our Scholarship Website or go directly to the Scholarship Application Form.

November 4, 2022 - Scholarship Fundraiser Recap

Thank you to all our sponsors for making our 2022 Annual Fundraiser a very successful event. This year we had 23 sponsors donate a total of $34,650. We were able to give out $22,500 in scholarships this year! More info...

June 25, 2022 - Scholarship Application Now Open!

The Fall 2022 Scholarship application period is now open! Submit your applications before noon on Friday, August 26, 2022. For more information go to our Scholarship Website or go directly to the Scholarship Application Form.

May 7, 2022 - Matt Crawford, PE MBA - RIP

It's with heavy hearts that we announce that Matt Crawford, PE , MBA, passed away on Saturday May 7th, 2022. Matt had a big personality, was passionate about everything he did, and was overall "good people". He was a rock mechanics engineering expert and made important contributions to the mining industry regionally and internationally during his employment at Call & Nicholas and AECOM. Matt is survived by his wife and three children. No further details have been provided by his family at the moment. 

If you would like to help the Crawford Family in these trying times, please visit their GoFundMe page.

October 5, 2021 - McCraren Memorial Scholarship Fund

On October 5, 2021 our community was stricken by tragedy. Sarah McCraren, our Treasurer, and her husband Michael were in a horrible car accident that took the life of Mike and left Sarah in critical condition.

Friends, Family & the Community have been coming together in this great loss and continued prayers of healing towards Sarah's recovery.

Many have asked how they may help, what they can do...Sarah has asked if anyone would like to make a donation that the funds go to the SME Tucson Chapter Scholarship Fundraiser on November 5th. They will be honoring students who have excelled in their pursuit of degrees in mining and related fields through the University of Arizona.

Her request is not surprising by far, Mike and Sarah are truly givers to our community and compassionate support to those in need.

If you would like to donate directly to the McCraren Scholarship Fund, please go to their GoFundMe page.

A Short History | AZGS

AZGS - History of the Christmas Mine

David Briggs newest contributed report, ‘History of the Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona’ , details the geology and the history of mineral exploration and mining at this small porphyry copper deposit 75 miles north of Tucson. More information here...

A Short History | AZGS

AZGS - Mineral Distric and Orogenic Evolution in Arizona ZOOM Presentation (January 14, 2021)

The Arizona Geological Society is inviting you to attend the Mineral Distric and Orogenic Evolution in Arizona Presentation by Jan Rasmussen and Stan Keith (MagmaChem Research Institute).

On January 14, 2021 at 6:30PM (Admittance to ZOOM from 6:00PM).


Read abstract here: AZGS Jan 14 2021 Abstract.docx

AZGS' NEW REPORT: Drill hole data for the Courtland-Gleeson area, Turquoise mining district and southern Dragoon Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona

Please visit the AZGS blog to read the full report on the data obtained from Courtland-Gleeson area, Turquoise mining district and southern Dragoon Mountains in Cochise County, Arizona.

Link to the full report here:

2020 Fundraiser Recap!

Tucson SME Members and Friends,

We want to thank you for helping us get through this difficult year! Thank you for staying in touch with us through our monthly virtual dinners. Thank you for once again supporting our annual scholarship fundraiser. I truly believe we have the best SME section and I am thankful for all of you.

I would like to take a minute and recap our 2020 SME Tucson Annual Scholarship Fundraiser. We were hoping to raise $10,500 this year and we were able to exceed that goal, raising $13,050! We hosted a virtual awards ceremony to honor six very deserving scholarship recipients. We will also be giving out two scholarships to JTED to support the mining industry work force. For a recap of our scholarship fundraiser you can go to this page. Below you'll find our generous sponsors and our scholarship recipients!

Thank you again for all the support. We hope to host our in-person dinner meetings again in the near future. For the time being, we will keep meeting virtually and we hope you can join us in January. SME Tucson wishes you and your loved ones a Happy Holiday Season!

Omar Smith
SME Tucson Section - Chair


Upcoming Events

UA Student Chapter

Learn about the University of Arizona SME Student Chapter! 
Click on this link: UA SME Student Chapter

Career Center

Looking for a job? Check out the SME Career Center! Click Here!

2023 Fundraiser Sponsors

Mother Lode $5000+

Bonanza $3500


Big Nugget $2000

Pay Dirt $1000

Prospect $500+

Supporter $100+

Special Appreciation Sponsors

    Metal Prices


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    SME Tucson Section
    PO Box 65931
    Tucson, Arizona 85728
    (520) 314-5066
    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software